#OccupyData Hackathon 2: Data Visualization for the 99%!
OccupyResearch, DataCenter, R-Shief.org, and the MIT Center for Civic Media are excited to announce OccupyData Hackathon Round II! Join us at the locations below or organize your own.
When: March 23-24, 2012
Where: Cambridge | Los Angeles | San Francisco | Oakland | Utrech | NYC | CyBeRspace | irc.lc.freenode/occupydata | SIGN UP HERE: http://bit.ly/occupydatavizmarchhackathon | *ADD YOUR LOCATION*
#OccupyData Hackathon 1 brought you visualizations of 13 million occupy tweets (see summaries by OccupyResearch, R-Shief, Fast Company, and Utrecht University). People participated from Utrech, LA, Boston, NY, and Spain.
#OccupyData Hackathon 2 builds on the demos and tools from the first round, and turns our collaborative energy on visualizing the 5000+ responses to the OccupyResearch General Demographics and Participation Survey (ORGS), R-Shief Twitter #occupy tags aggregated since September 2011, and Occupy Oakland Serves the People survey, as well as other datasets people might want to explore. This event is not only for hackers or coders, but for anyone who’s interested. Bring your ideas, skills, creativity, questions and critical perspectives as we explore occupy datasets using free and open source tools and software. We’ll make connections from one place to another – open to all participants! The model is for people to arrange local venues for f2f meetups, work locally, and share/collaborate real time via skype/chat/twitter/google docs and etherpads, etc. If you can’t make it to one of the physical locations, you can still join in remotely.
How: Sign up here to a particular location! Or organize a local space and add it to the list.
Location Details: http://bit.ly/occupydatavizmarchhackathon
More info and coordination: http://bit.ly/occupyhackathon
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