Occupy Hashtag Timeline Visualization

This project is basically a free/libre open source implementation of trendistic. We started with the following sketch of Tweet volume by city, displayed in parallel:

Timelines by City


From there, Pablo used inkscape and libreoffice to create the following static mock-up, using the real data from the #OccupyData dataset from r-shief.org

(image pulled from @numeroteca‘s post at https://twitter.com/#!/numeroteca/status/145583946778951680/photo/1)


You can follow our development process on the project’s etherpad below: http://brownbag.me:9001/p/occupyhashtagtimeline

Occupy Hashtag Timeline Visualization
Implementation of 
  • merge CSV in one usable CSV or DB (by day, by hour, by minute)
Questions – POI
The hashtags are not all collected from the same moment, could lead to missinterpretations.
Smoother curvers for days that for hour-minute.
Mock up
Grahic basics made with libre office.
Redesigned with inkscape.
Possible tools: 
Javascript biblios
Example with tool by Ben Fry http://montera34.com/lab/deuda-madrid/
Generate a .svg file (interactive or not). Known plugins for this?
Unity 3D
Visualization examples:
The r-shief 3d visualization for hashtags, where is it?