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Occupy General Survey Participation in the U.S., by State (by quantile)


Based upon self-reported ZIP codes of residents, states with the highest survey participation included:
California, New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Florida, Texas and Washington.

Map by Don Blair and Chris Schweidler, using GeoCommons.

Link to this data:


#OccupyData Hackathon 2


#OccupyData Hackathon 2: Data Visualization for the 99%!, and the MIT Center for Civic Media are excited to announce OccupyData Hackathon Round II! Join us at the locations below or organize your own.

When: March 23-24, 2012

Where: Cambridge | Los Angeles | San Francisco | Oakland | Utrech | NYC | CyBeRspace | | SIGN UP HERE: | *ADD YOUR LOCATION*


#OccupyData Hackathon 1 brought you visualizations of 13 million occupy tweets (see summaries by OccupyResearch, R-Shief, Fast Company, and Utrecht University). People participated from Utrech, LA, Boston, NY, and Spain.

#OccupyData Hackathon 2 builds on the demos and tools from the first round, and turns our collaborative energy on visualizing the 5000+ responses to the OccupyResearch General Demographics and Participation Survey (ORGS), R-Shief Twitter #occupy tags aggregated since September 2011, and Occupy Oakland Serves the People survey, as well as other datasets people might want to explore. This event is not only for hackers or coders, but for anyone who’s interested. Bring your ideas, skills, creativity, questions and critical perspectives as we explore occupy datasets using free and open source tools and software. We’ll make connections from one place to another – open to all participants! The model is for people to arrange local venues for f2f meetups, work locally, and share/collaborate real time via skype/chat/twitter/google docs and etherpads, etc. If you can’t make it to one of the physical locations, you can still join in remotely.

How: Sign up here to a particular location! Or organize a local space and add it to the list.

Location Details:

More info and coordination:


Occupy Research: Research by & for the Movement: Panel at Left Forum March 17, NOON in NYC

Occupy Research: Research by & for the Movement

Saturday, March 17, 2012, Noon-2PM! Join us in NYC
Left Forum Conference, Room E310 on the Pace University campus, NYC
Conference Panel Announcement


Join us for a critical discussion of social movement research and research justice for movement building, in the context of the Occupy Movement.

Knowledge can be used to build and maintain, as well as to upset, power. Scholars and activists on the Left are working with the 99% to develop participatory research and include a broader base in the process of forming research questions, choosing methods, developing research tools, gathering, analyzing, and disseminating results.

People are doing occupy research to:

  • understand engagement with the movement, who is participating in Occupy, who is not participating, and why;
  • challenge race, class, gender, sexuality, age, disability and other inequalities reproduced in the occupy movement;
  • share ideas, strategies, and tactics;
  • provide research and analysis for the 99%;
  • spread research skills, tools, and methods more broadly throughout the 99%

We are scholars, movement researchers, and activists working with and as Occupiers around the country and transnationally to develop research projects including: surveys of visitors to and; a general survey in multiple locations and across borders; analysis of occupy as a racial project (see for more info). We will discuss occupy research as a network to support movement research, what open research processes and methods can look like, and the critical role this work can play in supporting movement building. We’ll share (and invite attendees to share) findings to date, and some of the work ahead.

Panel coordinators:

  • Christine Schweidler, Director of Strategic Initiatives, DataCenter ( & OccupyResearch
  • Hector R. Cordero-Guzman, Ph.D., Professor, School of Public Affairs, Baruch College of CUNY
  • Martha Fuentes-Bautista, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Sasha Costanza-Chock, Assistant Professor of Civic Media, MIT & OccupyResearch
  • Yvonne Yen Liu, Senior Researcher, Applied Research Center & Occupy Oakland Research Working Group


Join us for this panel:
Learn more about this amazing conference space:
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