SPAINLAB team at Venice
- In the image, the Ensamble Studio team.
- Artemio Foch, from the audiovisual platform
- In the image Enrique Encabo and Inma Maluenda from the conceptual platform.
- In the image, the curator Anton García-Abril and with Daniel Ibañez from the digital platform.
- In the image, the curator of SpainLab, Débora Mesa.
- In the picture, the SpainLab team, the AcademicLab and the Ensamble Studio team in front of the motto of 2012 Venice Biennale, “Common Ground”
Here is a selection of the members of the SpainLab that attended to the innaguration. In the images, the curators Anton García-Abril and Debora Mesa, Artemio Fochs from the audiovisual platform, Inma Maluendo and Enrique Encabo from the conceptual platform, Javier Cuesta from the physical platform, Daniel Ibañez from the digital platform as well as the Ensamble Studio team.
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