Here you will find the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding the OpenLab.

If you have more questions please contact us.

How to upload a project to Open Lab?
We’ve tried to make this process as simple as possible.

  1. Create a user in the platform.
  2. Once you are logged go to http://spain-lab.net/openlab/submit-your-project/ and fill in the blank spaces, add images and video to submit your proposal.

Which kind of projects can be at the OpenLab?
All kind of projects related to architecture, innovation and Spain.

Which image size is allowed to upload?
All images should have a horizontal 4:3 proportion. Each image should have at least 1500pixels wide by 1125pixels height. The file should not be bigger than 1MB.

Which image formats do we accept?
Images should be .png, .jpg or .gif format.

Can I upload a .pdf or a .dwg?
The platform is in an alpha version and does not provide this capability yet. If you need to upload it, add it as a link.

Why is it only in English? Por qué está solamente la web en inglés?
Time and resources made us choose only one language, English, for a better and easier internationalization of the projects and the platform in the bienal space. We plan in the near future to have a bilingual space.

Por tiempo y limitación de recursos hemos elegido inglés para una mejor y más fácil internacionalización de los proyectos y la plataforma en el espacio de la bienal. Tenemos previsto que sea un espacio bilingüe tan pronto como se pueda.

Are you going to accept content in Spanish?
Not for the moment. See answer above.

Why you only accept videos from Vimeo and Youtube?
We’ve started with the more popular video platforms. If you need others, please provide a link to your video.

Why would I like to participate?
The project is an open platform to encourage sharing ideas and knowledge. Publishing your content gives your project visibility and let’s you get in contact with other related projects.

How long will it take to see my project published?
We’ll review your submission to see that everything is in order and then publish it. Please be patient and contact us if there is any issue.