SpainLab in Edgar Gonzalez
Date: July 29, 2012 | Context: Press
SpainLab featured in You can find the link to the article here.

Content posted by Daniel Ibanez.
Daniel Ibañez (Madrid, 1981) is MAA 06’ (IAAC-UPC) MArch ‘07 (ETSAM-UPM) and MDesS ‘12 (Harvard-GSD) is an architect and urban designer from Spain and cofounder since 2003 of Margen-Lab. He is Associate Professor at the IAAC since 2008, and PhD candidate the department of Architecture and Landscape in ETSAMUPM.He is currently candidate in the MDesS ‘12 at the GSD as a fellow of the Fundación La Caixa in its “Fulbright Scholarship” abroad study program.
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Imagenes del evento de clausura de SpainLab
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