100th UTOPIA [London 2100]


100th Utopia is an opportunity to imagine the future, under my own view, but linked together with or related to ancient and contemporary theories. How the future will be or how we expect it to be! The possibilities are endless… Here, I wish to show one of these possibilities , starting with a hypothesis with evidence of being real: The Great Flood of London. London 2100, is a hypothetical future situation, in which London has become a city that lives with water after a great flood due to gradual sea level rise because of the climate change processes. The project is divided into 3 parts:

1.- The first part is theory based on research related to utopias with architecture and films, as how to develop new urban models, or how the authors imagined the future of megalopolis. Reviewing the past to make suggestions for the future is an essential part to position itself in a utopian way. This part is summarized on a map that organizes these utopias as an underground-subway stations, distributing them in several categories and arranged them in a time line of 99 elements, where this project would be placed at the position nº100. This digital platform, which simulates a subway map, is called Metropia and the idea is for it to continue growing and to become a database of urban utopias, or a digital utopic model: UTOPEDIA.

2.- The second practical part is to explain and to design strategies based on the “current” situation of the moment: economy, society, political and technological climate, turning it into an “ad hoc “ architecture. 4 strategies along the time are defined : 2000-2025, 2025-2050, 2050-2075 and 2075-2100 will be the hypothesis explained starting on 4 texts where this hypothesis will be discussed as well as their time evolution. The following urban designs will appear from 2000 to 2100 “Metrostation” – a building that distributes elevated subway traffic at several areas of the city. “Blue Parks” – floating structures with 2 levels. One on the water with green areas and swimming facilities, and a second level underwater with bow windows to view the deep Thames River. “Floating Markets” – platforms where people can enjoy from fresh fish & chips,to concerts, sports and shopping. Designed as a public floating square. “Heritage Island” – megastructures to preserve some neighborhoods and architectural heritage, against the flood. “Sweet Home Tower” – an intelligent structure with a plug-in system for prefabricated intelligent housing, based on a text by Salvador Perez Arroyo “Vivienda y Tecnología” “Hidroponic Farms” – areas of the city to cultive a kind of algae: “Chlaymidomonas Reindhartii”, that transforms CO2 into O2 very quickly. “Filter Skylon” – an element to minimize the CO2 through a SMOG filtering system turning it into clean O2. “Performative Housing” – a structure that colonizes and parasites the typical housing of London to protect it from the flooding by developing a new external structure. “Floating Taxis & Buses” – means of transportation of the past, with its typical touristic look and colours , but taken into the future.

3.- The third part is the video that summarizes all the work and tries to show how the future in London would be.

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