Backup of #occupydata coordination page

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2012.03.23 15.45h

Welcome! OccupyResearch, DataCenter, R-Shief Labs, and the MIT Center for Civic Media are excited to announce OccupyData Hackathon Round II. Join us at the locations below or organize your own.


March 23-24-25, 2012


Cambridge, MA | Los Angeles | New York | Oakland | San Francisco | Washington, D.C|.  CyBeRspace | Cincinnati | (see details below)  *ADD YOUR LOCATION*


Hackathon I (reviews, summaries, showcases of work by R-Shief Labs, by OccupyResearch, by Fast Company, by Utrecht University) brought you visualizations of 13 million occupy tweets. People participated from Utrech, LA, Boston, NY, and Spain. [can someone make a Pinterest, or slide deck, or something with links to all these examples? More here: ]

Hackathon II builds on the demos and tools from the first and turns our collaborative energy on visualizing the 5000+ responses to the OccupyResearch General Demographics and Participation Survey (ORGS), R-Shief Twitter #occupy tags aggregating since September 2011, and Occupy Oakland Serves the People face to face survey of 81 participants, 236 online survey respondent. This event is not only for hackers or coders, but for anyone interested. Bring your ideas, skills, creativity, questions and critical perspectives as we explore occupy datasets using free and open source tools and software. We’ll make connections from one place to another – open to all participants! The model is for people to arrange local venues for f2f meetups, work locally, and share/collaborate real time via skype/chat/twitter/google docs and etherpads, etc. If you can’t make it to one of the physical locations, you can join in remotely.


Sign up here to RSVP to a particular location! Start your own location and add it to the list – we’ll do our best to keep the announcement updated with all locations!

Location Details

Let us know and we’ll add your local details here!

Schedule Details

Coordinate the activities through different locations with the schedule (click on tabs to see schedule by day): [check different tabs]

Data Sets

These are the data sets we have available to work with. Add yours!

Questions to be explored in this second Occupy Hackathon include

  • Understanding the occupy camps as spaces more or less utopian or egalitarian than the rest of social space. Specifically, the LA site will research questions about the amount of sexual assault that happened in Occupy camps, inspired partly by this article by Micha Cárdenas:
  • A hackathon is a great space-moment to learn methods of data gathering from others (twitter). Let’s share different methods.
  • We will use this hackathon to validate our techniques, open source model and upgrades to be added to our digital universe based Occupy Research and other sources that will support the creation of a movement in support of change for people of African Ancestry and the countries in which they live.  The agency for this change in America is to be the Occupation of Black America [Launch – May 25th 2012] as part of the Friends of the African Union [FAU].   FAU will be conducting April 17th through the 24th a national vote for 4 delegates from the United States of America of African Ancestry.  These 4 will be among the first representatives from the Americas to have a actual vote in a standing commission of the African Union, ever.  The FAU stood up operations on MLK Day 2012 with members from the occupation of Cincinnati and the South Fairmount Community Council along with their private sector partners, as we prepared to erase the Digital divide throughout the county as part of our multi billion dollar proposal for change. During this hackathon we will use real city data drawn on the planning department of the city of Cincinnati.  These will be adjusted based on the Research of the Occupation[s] and the plans of the people of South Fairmount through a partnership between the South Fairmount Sustains and the first Occupation of Black America which is to be in South Fairmount.  South Fairmount, in Cincinnati  is to be the worldwide headquarters of FAU’s Schools, Infrastructure and Manufacturing Divisions.
  • To understand the link between austerity measures and the social services provided by Occupy.  So, for example, if there have been cuts in Medicaid or library hours, have Occupy participants been relying on the services provided by Occupy?  This is a question that we’re interested in exploring in Oakland, given the devastating budget cuts that have shredded our city’s safety net (see January 28 Fact Sheet).  This is also a political argument that we’d like to support with data, given that Occupy Oakland has been portrayed as illegitimate by city officials and a public danger.  We want to show that we’ve been filling the gap left by state and capital.
  • Add your questions here! New ones or based on results from the last hackathon.


[put here where you are announcing the event]

More Notes and links

This page:  (qr code)
Hashtag: #occupydata
Live Chat:
Schedule: (make new sheets for m23 & m24)
Mailing list: Stay updated of the discussion of this group and sign up at the mailing list +
Wiki: Check Data Mining and visualization in the wiki of Occupy Research
Live Stream:
Boston: livestream channel
Graph-logo Hackathon 2: svg, pdf



Scraper wiki

Tools for visualization

Batchgeo +mapping lists
Gephi +network visualization
Google API:  (charts and gadgets)
Many Eyes
Processing sketch online tool  /
Data Collective:
Comprehensive List of Infographic/DataVis Tools & Data Sources:
Live Graphs: R-Shief’s Twitterminer


The Noun Project: (lots of cc/public domain svg icons) (includes infographic icons font and free Oswald font)



Sketches from boston location: