
Surveys of participants in Occupy can be a key tool for understanding the movement, its strengths and limitations, and much more. For example, we might imagine the utility of even basic demographic information drawn from across camps, about who is participating, as well as more complex and nuanced understandings of what is motivating people to participate, how information circulates within and between camps, etc. There are a number of existing surveys (linked below), created by a range of groups with different motivations. This page is for gathering information about existing surveys (add links where possible), as well as for proposing new surveys and discussing survey methods. Another goal is for more people to learn about how to develop, conduct, and analyze social movement surveys. One high priority project identified by several participants in Occupy Research is to develop a short-form, basic survey instrument to be used across as many camps as possible, in a distributed survey process that Occupy movement can use as a mirror to better understand itself, and to make grounded claims to others about who is participating in the movement. That survey was released in early December.

OccupyResearch General Demographics and Participation Survey now Open!

The OccupyResearch network is pleased to launch this exciting survey, which aims to create a better understanding of who engages with the Occupy movement, and how--it includes questions about media, communication, activities, and more. The survey is open to people living in any country, regardless of their level of involvement with the Occupy movement. The survey is open until January 6, 2011. Once closed, the data will be publicly available through the OccupyResearch website ( The survey is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike Generic License 2.0.

Get in touch with us at and let us know how you'd like to be involved.

Out-of-date survey documents:


The following people have been involved in the Occupy Research survey working group (please edit to add your name if it's not here!):


Several people have asked for more information about the Occupy Research General Demographic and Political Participation Survey; the following is an attempt to provide more info about who/what/why this Survey exists:

Occupy Research is a totally open network formed through a transparent and participatory process that mirrors the evolution of Occupy as a whole, with a lot of participation by occupiers and sympathetic researchers from many different camps, GAs, working groups, and institutions. You can find ALL of the minutes from all of our meetings linked from this wiki (

The Survey Working Group, and the development of this survey, followed the same (open, transparent, accessible to anyone w/the interest) process. We have done our best to be in communication w/research working groups in multiple locations, with interoccupy, with GAs that we have participated in, etc.

re: privacy: the survey gathers no individual identifying info (name, contact, address) and results are anonymous. The data, as announced in multiple places, will be PUBLICLY AVAILABLE under creative commons attribution sharealike 2.0 license. Individual occupations and local research working groups are (of course) totally free to participate or not in the general survey process, but we hope that many as possible will! Participating in the shared process means using the shared survey instrument, uploading results to the shared dataset, and being ok with having the (non personally identifying) data being PUBLIC and shared.

The accountability comes from the process we've used to build a research network within the occupy movement, using process from the movement (consensus and transparency), with researchers who (mostly) also identify with the movement, and by listening as much as possible to feedback from others within this movement :)

I hope this helps.

Also Please check out the full survey guide:

@schock for Occupy Research

Existing Surveys


Proposed Process for a shared survey across camps

Sampling method

[very short explanation of why this matters]. When conducting a survey, it's important to have a systematic way to choose people to approach. Otherwise, the surveyor may be biased (towards choosing people who look 'nice' or approachable to them, for example) in selecting respondents, which undermines the validity of the results. Fortunately, it's fairly easy to avoid this. One proposed sampling method is to approach every 3rd person. This doesn't mean you must convince every 3rd person to do the survey! It means approach them with the same script, if they decline, record that someone declined so that we will know response rate later.

Overview questions for people creating surveys, by DataCenter:

1. Start Here: THE BIG PICTURE
What campaigns or organizational goals will the research support? Do you want to improve working conditions? Organize workers? Build organizational knowledge about issues your members are facing?

How will research support your goals?Help you convince decisionmakers? inform campaign priorities? Get media attention on issue? Iinvolve or educate members? reframe the issue to the public?

What information are you looking for? Demographics of workers, working
conditions, health issues, gentrification?

Who is/are the audience(s) for this information? Members?Organizers? Campaign target or key decision-makers? Shapers of public opinion with influence over decisionmakers?

How do you want to release the information to reach your audience? Do you want to publish a report, factsheet, keep it for internal use only?

When do you need to release the research? Any benchmarks to note or relevant dates that will affect teh research?

Part 2: Nuts and Bolts of Survey
How many surveys do you want to collect? At least 500 for media credibility? A certain percentage of your constituency

Who will you survey? - range in your sample such as age, ethnicity,immigration status, etc.

What issues will you face surveying your sample and how will you address them?
Ex.Language - need translation; Fear - need trusted surveyors or confidentiality provision; Lack of time - shorter survey

How will the survey be conducted? In person by members and volunteers? Over the phone? Online?

Where will the surveys be conducted?

Engaging members - ways to engage them in process Identifying info to collect; Taking surveys; Conducting surveys; Analysing data

Part 3. Check your Resources - WHO will do it? How will you cover the costs?

Who will coordinate the project? coordinate the process, surveyors and surveys as they they come in

Who will conduct the surveys? Volunteers, members, ally organizations, students?

Trainings. Who will conduct the training? How long will the training be? Who will design it? How many does someone need to go through to be able to become a surveyor?

Database issues The information can be entered into an Access or Excel file or online hosts
like SurveyMonkey. Analysis of the data would occur in statistical software that can import from those databases. Who would create the initial database?

Who will do Data entry? Volunteers, paid temps, inhouse, etc.

Who will develop Dissemination materials - plan, write, review, edit, design, print, distribute?

Will you involve Ally orgs? Who? What roles will they play?

Do you need to do Fundraising? What for, how much, how soon?

Part 4. Timeline - WHEN will it be done? Fill in date(s)
a) Create Survey tool
b) Pilot Survey
c) Finalize Survey
d) Train surveyors
e) Conduct the survey
f) Create database
g) Data entry finished
h) Data analysis
i) Compile information
j. Disseminate information

Protest Survey Examples

Protest survey project

Tips and How To

IV. Movement-building short survey:

What survey questions, and what population, most useful for building OWS and connecting to POC movement networks and CBOs?