All the students of the Academic Lab members meet for the first time in Madrid. The AcademicLab is composed by students of different national and international schools of architecture. These members share their first thoughts on innovation with SpainLab curators Antón García- Abril & Débora Mesa. They will be traveling to Venice during the opening of the Architecture Biennale to develop their projects and share their experience and will be gradually posting the process and results of their research.
These are the schools enrolled at the moment:
MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology / SA+P Department of Architecture
ETSAM, Polytechnic University of Madrid / Superior Technical School of Architecture
UEM, European University of Madrid / School of Architecture
IE University / School of Architecture & Design
IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
UFV, Francisco de Vitoria University / Polytechnic Superior School of Architecture
CEU, San Pablo University / Polytechnic Superior School of Architecture