Occupy Research Handbook

What is the Occupy Research Handbook?
A shared resource to print, publish, and distribute both on and off line, that:

Eventually we'd like to publish this online using a collaborative book authoring platform called Booki. Check it out here: http://www.booki.cc/

The Occupy Handbook will be Creative Commons licensed and distributed online and in camps. Please be aware of this when you submit content! Thanks!

How do I add content to the Occupy Research Handbook?
We strive to make adding content to the handbook as easy as possible. Three methods for doing so are listed below. Stay tuned for more ways to plug in.

1) Drop content directly into the Google Document. Find it here: http://bit.ly/sbZOoG
2) Email content to: occupy.research.handbook@gmail.com
3) Drop content into this ‘Handbook’ page of the OccupyResearch Wiki

Are there other ways to get involved in this project?
Yes! In addition to contributing content, there are lots of ways to participate more directly:

Email occupy.research.handbook@gmail.com
Add comments to the Google Doc